These articles of faith are published with the intention of furthering the following goals:
We are putting our current understanding and questions in words, to make it possible to discuss these ideas in a constructive way with those that think alike and also those that hold sincerely a differing view. In doing so we hope especially (for our own benefit and that of those we communicate with) for:
Having until now been members or adherents of mainstream protestant, evangelical or charismatic congregations (and having exchanged thoughts with believers from other churches that consider themselves to be Christians and / or are generally accepted to be that), we are looking for community with like minded believers.
This could be achieved in one or more of the following forms:
In any case we hope to contribute to the meeting of like minds, of those who are scattered all over the world as a small at best completely ignored minority whereever they are.
We would like to head Jesus Christ's instruction to spread the gospel using only teachings that are hopefully based solely on the Bible in unadulterated reflections.
It is our desire to worship and honour the God Almighty in songs, prayers and spreading his word without insertions that are - at least in our mind – wrong and in some cases and ways even heretic.In other words: we would like to try practice what Jesus Christ said was God's wish:
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4: 23