99%Forgiveness and salvation are only possible through the grace of God.
99%The salvation through God is accepted on part of men through repentence of own sins, turning away from wrong paths and conduct, and through faith in the true God and his son Jesus Christ.
90% Salvation can only persist in the case of a living faith that results in works agreeable to God. Faith without works is dead and can not save anybody.
Supplementary Theses
99% Nobody can effect his own salvation through good works alone, since by transgressing just one law he would be in breach of the law as a whole.
80% It is wrong to claim "Once saved, always saved". Nothing and no-one can tear us from God's hand, however, we can cause this horrible separation ourselves.
Of what relevance are the laws of the Old Testament to followers of Jesus that are not Jews?
Of what relevance are the laws of the Old Testament to followers of Jesus that are Jews?
Which laws of the New Testament are still absolutely binding on everybody today and which ones were meant only for individual men or certain communities or a certain time?