
Main Theses
  1. 100% There is only one (true) God, the creator of the universe, all life, everything visible and invisible.
  2. 100% He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the God and father of Jesus Christ.
  3. 100% God is one person (or one being) but not 3.
Supplementary Theses
  1. 100% God is eternal and immortal - without beginning or end.
  2. 100% God knows everything, inter alia because he is aware of everything in all places.
  3. 100%God is almighty.
  4. 100% God is good. In him there is no evil and he causes no evil.
  5. 90% Therefore it was not God that created evil, but the creatures of free choice bring evil into the world by chosing the opposite of or something different than God's will.
  6. 100% God is not just a higher principle, concept, power, or the like; he has all the positive characteristics of a person or even more than that, but certainly not less - we say all this without intending to make a statement about his physical nature.
  7. 100% God has revealed his name, it was written more than 6.000 times in the Old Testament: the name of God in the original Hebrew
  8. 99% God has send his son, because of his love for men, to save them from their guilt and the resulting judgement that would be rightly their's.
  1. Did Jesus and the apostles use the name of God?
  2. Should we not appeal to the name of the Lord, profess it and vocalise it while reading the Bible?  Is the general replacement of the name with "LORD" etc justifiable?
Photo: Rainbow over Val d'Antabia  -  Copyright